Teams | Scores |
tri2820 | 0.999909 |
TonyLit | 0.999909 |
Overifit | 0.986043 |
NiceGuys | 0.986043 |
Leik | 0.659825 |
DUY | 0.659004 |
dvtoan | 0.65873 |
FC-PM | 0.657453 |
chauhuynh | 0.655446 |
KeepLearning | 0.655172 |
teamSGU | 0.654899 |
TruongCamLuan | 0.654078 |
mika17 | 0.652892 |
nan | 0.652801 |
Linear Regression Only | 0.652162 |
DirtyBrains | 0.652071 |
TruongGiang | 0.65198 |
QViet | 0.651341 |
thienhuu | 0.651067 |
*.mti | 0.647145 |
TLuan | 0.644773 |
Hoang016 | 0.644225 |
haluha1 | 0.644043 |
hothanhhuy1098 | 0.644043 |
dieulamhy | 0.644043 |
AKIRA2211 | 0.642857 |
TEAM | 0.621237 |
The final ranking for the awards is however based on the private test dataset. The Competition Committee is working on running tests via prediction code uploaded by teams. We will announce the final result once it is available.
In the meantime, participating teams need to follow the instructions posted at
to follow all the requirements and submit necessary materials to the Committee.
** The committee has received several articles. Please see an example ( for expected articles